VisionProject Web Service API


Namespace (wsdl):

Mount Point: /soap/VisionProjectWebServiceService

The services available in VisionProject

The following methods are available on this endpoint:


Adds an issue comment to an issue. The comment should be in HTML format.

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
htmlComment The comment in HTML format


Adds a SystemUser as an issue subscriber on an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser


Adds a UserGroup as an issue subscriber on an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
userGroupId A primaryKey for a SystemUser


Adds a user to a project

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser
userGroupId A primaryKey for a UserGroup
projectId A primaryKey for a Project
showAssignedIssuesOnly If true the user will only be able to see issues where she is the Reporter, Owner or Developer.


Check if the user is valid without creating a session

Input Parameters

name description
username A username
password A password
passwordIsHashed true if the password is in a hashed form, false if in clear text.

Return Value

true of the user is valid, false otherwise.


Check if the user is valid for chat without creating a session

Input Parameters

name description
username A username
password A hashed password

Return Value

true of the user is valid, false otherwise.


Copies a project using the attributes in the copyProjectConfig parameter.

Input Parameters

name description
copyProjectConfig Specifies which project that should be copied and how it should be copied

Return Value

The new project


Create a link between two ConfigItems

Input Parameters

name description
configItemLink A ConfigItemLink object

Return Value

A ConfigItemLink object


Create a link between two issues

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueFromId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
projectIssueToId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
issueLinkTypeId A primaryKey for a IssueLinkType
description Description for the link

Return Value

The created IssueLink


Creates a new SystemUser

Input Parameters

name description
systemUser The SystemUser to create
notifyNewUserWithEmail If the created user should get a notification email that she has been created as a new VisionProject user.

Return Value

The created SystemUser object


Deletes the specified config item

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId A primaryKey for a ConfigItem


Delete a link between config items

Input Parameters

name description
configItemLinkId (no documentation provided)


Deletes the specified contract

Input Parameters

name description
contractId A primaryKey for a Contract


Deletes a Cost

Input Parameters

name description
costId A primaryKey for a Cost


Deletes the specified Customer

Input Parameters

name description
customerId A primaryKey for a Customer


Delete an issue document

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId (no documentation provided)
documentId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

true if success, false otherwise.


Deletes an IssueLink

Input Parameters

name description
issueLinkId A primaryKey for a IssueLink


Deletes an IssueWorkLog

Input Parameters

name description
issueWorkLogId A primaryKey for a IssueWorkLog


Deletes the specified project

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a Project


Deletes the specified ProjectBuild

Input Parameters

name description
projectBuildId A primaryKey for a ProjectBuild


Deletes the specified ProjectCategory

Input Parameters

name description
projectCategoryId A primaryKey for a ProjectCategory


Deletes the specified ProjectIssue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue


Deletes the specified ProjectVersion

Input Parameters

name description
projectVersionId A primaryKey for a ProjectVersion


Deletes the specified SystemUser

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser


Find config items using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of ConfigItem objects


Find contracts using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of Contract objects


Finds Customers using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of Customer objects


Finds IssueHistories using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query. Please note that projectIssueId has to be specified in the quieryObject parameter!

Return Value

A list of IssueHistory objects


Finds ProjectBuilds using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of ProjectBuild objects


Finds ProjectIssues using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of ProjectIssue objects


Finds ProjectIssues using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.
modifiedDateAfter Optional date. Fetches issues that has a modified that is after the specified date
modifiedDateBefore Optional date. Fetches issues that has a modified that is before the specified date

Return Value

(no documentation provided)


Find projects using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of Project objects


Finds ProjectVersions using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of ProjectVersion objects


Finds SystemUsers using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of SystemUser objects


Finds UserGroups using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of UserGroup objects


Finds VPRoles using a specific search criteria object. All attributes set in queryObject will be used in the search.

Input Parameters

name description
queryObject Attributes that are set in this object will be used to build a query using AND in the query.

Return Value

A list of VPRole objects


Gets all components for a project

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a Project

Return Value

A list of Component objects


Returns all Config item statuses

Return Value

List of EntityStatus


Returns all Config item types

Return Value

List of ConfigItemType objects


Returns all contract statuses

Return Value

List of EntityStatus


Returns all contract types

Return Value

List of ContractType objects


Gets all Costs for an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of Cost objects


Gets all Costs for a project (where projectIssueId = NULL)

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a Project

Return Value

A list of Cost objects


Returns all available Cost types

Return Value

A list of CostType objects


Returns all customer statuses

Return Value

List of EntityStatus


Returns all Custom fields for issues

Return Value

A list of CompanyCustomField objects


Gets all available InteractionStatuses

Return Value

A list of InteractionStatus objects


Gets all available IssueEscalationLevels

Return Value

A list of IssueEscalationLevel objects


Returns all IssueEventTypes that exists in VisionProject. The issueEventType is used in IssueHistory objects.

Return Value

A list of IssueEventType objects.


Returns all available Issue fields for the specified IssueFieldConfiguration. The IssueField object contains information if it's in use or whether it's mandatory etc.

Input Parameters

name description
issueFieldConfigurationId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A list of IssueField objects


Gets all IssueHistories for an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of IssueHistory objects


Returns all available IssueLinkTypes

Return Value

A list of IssueLinkType objects


Gets all available IssuePriorities

Return Value

A list of IssuePriority objects


Gets all available IssueResolutions

Return Value

A list of IssueResolution objects


Gets all available IssueSeverities

Return Value

A list of IssueSeverity objects


Gets all available IssueStatuses

Return Value

A list of IssueStatus objects.


Gets all available IssueTypes

Return Value

A list of IssueType objects


Gets all available IssueUrgencies

Return Value

A list of IssueUrgency objects


Gets all IssueWorkLogs for an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of IssueWorkLog objects


Gets all ProjectCategories

Return Value

A list of ProjectCategory objects


Gets all available ProjectStatuses

Return Value

A list of ProjectStatus objects


Get an array of all Queries (Searches) the current user have access to.

Return Value

an array of Query objects


Returns sub-issues for the specified ProjectIssue

Input Parameters

name description
primaryKey A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of ProjectIssue object


Gets all available SystemUserStatuses

Return Value

A list of SystemUserStatus objects


Returns all available Worklog categories

Return Value

A list of WorkLogCategory objects


Gets a list of the custom fields that are available for ConfigItem. GenericCustomField has a field named customFieldType of type CustomFieldType. The CustomFieldType has an attribute named "id". This is the meaning of the id field:

  • 1 = Text field
  • 2 = Select list
  • 3 = Boolean field (0 or 1)
  • 4 = Date field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd)
  • 5 = Multi-select list (Format: |Item1|Item2|)
  • 6 = User (no support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 7 = User (with support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 8 = Date + time field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
  • 9 = Company (Valid Company.CompanyId)
  • 10 = "Product" (Configuration item) (Valid ConfigItem.ConfigItemId)
  • 11 = URL
  • 12 = Integer
  • 13 = Decimal

Return Value

A list of GenericCustomField objects


Gets a list of the custom fields that are available for Contract. GenericCustomField has a field named customFieldType of type CustomFieldType. The CustomFieldType has an attribute named "id". This is the meaning of the id field:

  • 1 = Text field
  • 2 = Select list
  • 3 = Boolean field (0 or 1)
  • 4 = Date field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd)
  • 5 = Multi-select list (Format: |Item1|Item2|)
  • 6 = User (no support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 7 = User (with support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 8 = Date + time field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
  • 9 = Company (Valid Company.CompanyId)
  • 10 = "Product" (Configuration item) (Valid ConfigItem.ConfigItemId)
  • 11 = URL
  • 12 = Integer
  • 13 = Decimal

Return Value

A list of GenericCustomField objects


Gets a list of the custom fields that are available for Customers. GenericCustomField has a field named customFieldType of type CustomFieldType. The CustomFieldType has an attribute named "id". This is the meaning of the id field:

  • 1 = Text field
  • 2 = Select list
  • 3 = Boolean field (0 or 1)
  • 4 = Date field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd)
  • 5 = Multi-select list (Format: |Item1|Item2|)
  • 6 = User (no support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 7 = User (with support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 8 = Date + time field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
  • 9 = Company (Valid Company.CompanyId)
  • 10 = "Product" (Configuration item) (Valid ConfigItem.ConfigItemId)
  • 11 = URL
  • 12 = Integer
  • 13 = Decimal

Return Value

A list of GenericCustomField objects


Get available Customer types

Return Value



Returns all available Custom fields for issues in the specified project. The IssueField object contains the mapping between the companyCustomFieldId and the customFieldIndex that can be used to set the correct companyCustomFieldXX value on the ProjectIssue object.

Input Parameters

name description
projectId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A list of IssueField objects


Gets a list of the custom fields that are available for Projects. GenericCustomField has a field named customFieldType of type CustomFieldType. The CustomFieldType has an attribute named "id". This is the meaning of the id field:

  • 1 = Text field
  • 2 = Select list
  • 3 = Boolean field (0 or 1)
  • 4 = Date field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd)
  • 5 = Multi-select list (Format: |Item1|Item2|)
  • 6 = User (no support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 7 = User (with support users) (Valid SystemUser.SystemUserId)
  • 8 = Date + time field (Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
  • 9 = Company (Valid Company.CompanyId)
  • 10 = "Product" (Configuration item) (Valid ConfigItem.ConfigItemId)
  • 11 = URL
  • 12 = Integer
  • 13 = Decimal

Return Value

A list of GenericCustomField objects


Gets a specified Component

Input Parameters

name description
componentId A primaryKey for a Component

Return Value

A Component object


Gets the specified config item.

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId A primaryKey for a ConfigItem

Return Value

A ConfigItem


Get all childrens for a config item id. If you want to get all ConfigItems on the first level call this method like this: getConfigItemChildrens(0);

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A list of ConfigItem objects


Get the objects that is holding the Config item links information

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId A primaryKey for ConfigItem

Return Value

A list of ConfigItemLink objects


Get ConfigItem link types

Return Value

A list of ConfigItemLinkType objects


Gets the specified contract.

Input Parameters

name description
contractId A primaryKey for a Contract

Return Value

A Contract


Gets the specified Cost

Input Parameters

name description
costId A primaryKey for a Cost

Return Value

A Cost object


Returns all matching Cost objects

Input Parameters

name description
projectIds An array of Project ids. Specify an empty array or null if you want to return all.
systemUserIds An array of SystemUser ids. Specify an empty array or null if you want to return all.
customerIds An array of Customer ids. Specify an empty array or null if you want to return all.
fromDate The "from date" for the Costs. MANDATORY
toDate The "to date" for the Costs. MANDATORY

Return Value

A list of Cost objects


Gets the specified Customer

Input Parameters

name description
customerId A primaryKey for a Customer

Return Value

A Customer object.


Get the Customer type for a Customer

Input Parameters

name description
customerId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

The CustomerType object


Gets all Custom fields for all Config items

Return Value

List of ConfigItemGenericCustomField items. ConfigItemGenericCustomField is an object that contains the custom fields for a config item


Gets all custom fields for all contracts

Return Value

List of ContractGenericCustomField items. ContractGenericCustomField is an object that contains the custom fields for a contract


Gets the Custom fields for a config item

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId A primaryKey for a config item

Return Value

ConfigItemGenericCustomField. An object that contains the custom fields for a config item


Gets the custom fields for a contract

Input Parameters

name description
contractId A primaryKey for a contract

Return Value

ContractGenericCustomField. An object that contains the custom fields for a contract


Gets the Custom fields for a customer

Input Parameters

name description
customerId A primaryKey for a customer

Return Value

CustomerGenericCustomField. An object that contains the custom fields for a customer


Gets the Custom fields for a project

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a project

Return Value

ProjectGenericCustomField. An object that contains the custom fields for a project


Gets the Custom fields for a SystemUser

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser

Return Value

SystemUserGenericCustomField. An object that contains the custom fields for a SystemUser


Get all document folders available for a project

Input Parameters

name description
projectId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

An array of Document objects


Returns all documents and folders for a config item and specific folder

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId (no documentation provided)
folderId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

An array of Document objects


Returns all documents and folders for a contract and specific folder

Input Parameters

name description
contractId (no documentation provided)
folderId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

An array of Document objects


Get Documents for the specified issue. No content is fetched with this method. Use getDocumentsWithContentForIssue instead if you need the content as well.

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of Document objects


Returns all documents and folders for a project and specific folder

Input Parameters

name description
projectId (no documentation provided)
folderId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

An array of Document objects


Get Documents with content for the specified issue. If you don't need the content, use getDocumentsWithContentForIssue instead.

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of Document objects


Get one single config item document with content

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId (no documentation provided)
documentId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A DocumentWithContent object.


Get one single contract document with content

Input Parameters

name description
contractId (no documentation provided)
documentId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A DocumentWithContent object.


Get one single issue document with content

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId (no documentation provided)
documentId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A DocumentWithContent object.


Get one single project document with content

Input Parameters

name description
projectId (no documentation provided)
documentId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A DocumentWithContent object.


Gets a specified InteractionStatus

Input Parameters

name description
interactionStatusId A primaryKey for an InteractionStatus

Return Value

An InteractionStatus object


Gets a specified IssueEscalationLevel

Input Parameters

name description
issueEscalationLevelId A primaryKey for an IssueEscalationLevel

Return Value

An IssueEscalationLevel object


Gets a specified IssuePriority

Input Parameters

name description
issuePriorityId A primaryKey for a IssueSeverity

Return Value

A IssueSeverity object


Gets a specified IssueResolution

Input Parameters

name description
issueResolutionId A primaryKey for a IssueResolution

Return Value

A IssueResolution object


Gets the specified IssueSeverity

Input Parameters

name description
issueSeverityId A primaryKey for a IssueSeverity

Return Value

A IssueSeverity obejct


Gets a specified IssueStatus

Input Parameters

name description
issueStatusId A primaryKey for a IssueStatus

Return Value

A IssueStatus object


Returns an object that contains SystemUsers and UserGroups that is added as a subscriber on an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

An IssueSubscribers object


Gets a specified IssueType

Input Parameters

name description
issueTypeId A primaryKey for a IssueType

Return Value

A IssueType object


Gets a specified IssueUrgency

Input Parameters

name description
issueUrgencyId A primaryKey for an IssueUrgency

Return Value

An IssueUrgency object


Gets the specified IssueWorkLog

Input Parameters

name description
issueWorkLogId A primaryKey for a IssueWorkLog

Return Value

A IssueWorkLog object


Returns all matching IssueWorkLog objects

Input Parameters

name description
projectIds An array of Project ids. Specify an empty array or null if you want to return all.
systemUserIds An array of SystemUser ids. Specify an empty array or null if you want to return all.
customerIds An array of Customer ids. Specify an empty array or null if you want to return all.
fromDate The "from date" for the IssueWorkLogs.
toDate The "to date" for the IssueWorkLogs

Return Value

A list of IssueWorkLog objects


Get config items that is linked to the specified ConfigItem

Input Parameters

name description
configItemId A primaryKey for ConfigItem

Return Value

A list of ConfigItem objects


Returns info about linked issues.

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A list of IssueLinkInfo objects


Gets the specified project.

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a Project

Return Value

A Project


Gets a specified ProjectBuild

Input Parameters

name description
projectBuildId A primaryKey for a ProjectBuild

Return Value

A ProjectBuild object


Gets a specified ProjectCategory

Input Parameters

name description
projectCategoryId A primaryKey for a ProjectCategory

Return Value

A ProjectCategory object


Gets a ProjectIssue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue

Return Value

A ProjectIssue object


Get all projects that the current user has access to.

Return Value

A list of Project objects


Gets the specified ProjectStatus

Input Parameters

name description
projectStatusId A primaryKey for a ProjectStatus

Return Value

A ProjectStatus object


Gets the specified ProjectVersion

Input Parameters

name description
projectVersionId A primaryKey for a ProjectVersion

Return Value

A ProjectVersion object


Gets all ProjectVersions for a project

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a Project

Return Value

A list of ProjectVersion objects.


Get details of a specific Query.

Input Parameters

name description
queryId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

the corresponding Query object


Get an array of ProjectIssue objects that is the result of executing the specified Query.

Input Parameters

name description
queryId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

an array of ProjectIssue objects


Get the number of ProjectIssue objects resulting from the execution of the specified Query.

Input Parameters

name description
queryId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

the number of ProjectIssues


Gets the specified SystemUser

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser

Return Value

A SystemUser object.


Get the Settings object from a SystemUser

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

The SystemUserSettings object


Gets a specified SystemUserStatus

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserStatusId A primaryKey for a SystemUserStatus

Return Value

A SystemUserStatus object


Returns all users for the specified project

Input Parameters

name description
projectId A primaryKey for a project

Return Value

A list of SystemUser objects


Deprecated since v7.5 - use login2 instead

Input Parameters

name description
username (no documentation provided)
password (no documentation provided)

Return Value

(no documentation provided)


This method should be used to login to VisionProject with the web service API.

NOTE! This method can only be used if you have an installed version. Use loginWithAPIKey2(username, password, webservicekey, visionProjectVersion) for the hosted version instead.

A session will also be created if this method is successful.

Input Parameters

name description
username A username
password A password
visionProjectVersion (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A SystemUser that represents the logged in user


Deprecated since v7.5 - use login2 instead

Input Parameters

name description
username (no documentation provided)
password (no documentation provided)
webserviceAPIKey (no documentation provided)

Return Value

(no documentation provided)


This method should used to login to VisionProject with the web service API when using the hosted version. Use login(username, password) for the installed version instead.
A session will also be created if this method is successful.

Input Parameters

name description
username A username
password A password
webserviceAPIKey (no documentation provided)
visionProjectVersion (no documentation provided)

Return Value

A SystemUser that represents the logged in user


Ends the "Web Service Session"


Query for ProjectIssues. NOTE: This method is only available for installed customers with their own installation of the system.

Input Parameters

name description
sqlWhereCriteria This string will be appended after WHERE in the SQL query. Standard SQL syntax should be used. Available parameters are all attributes in the ProjectIssue class. When using an attribute, "ProjectIssue." has to be prepended, e.g. "ProjectIssue.Name LIKE 'TEST ISSUE'"
  • Get issues that has IssueStatusId equal to 1, sorted by Name descending. Returns 20 issues starting from the 10th issue.
    visionprojectWebService.queryProjectIssue("ProjectIssue.IssueStatusId = 1", "1 DESC", 10, 20);
  • Get all issues that has IssueStatusId equal to 1 and is created by the SystemUser with the primaryKey = 3. No specific sorting is specified so CreateDate will be used. Returns all matches.
    visionprojectWebService.queryProjectIssue("ProjectIssue.IssueStatusId = 1 AND ProjectIssue.CreatedBySystemUserId = 3", "", 0, 0);

sortOrder Specifies which sortOrder that should be used. Multiple sort criterias can be used, separated with a comma. The sort criteria should be in the form: "NUMBER ASC_OR_DESC", e.g. "10 DESC" (This will sort on Developer descending.)
"13 ASC, 8 DESC" will sort on Issue type first and then severity descending.
The number that should be used are these:
  • 1 = Title (Name)
  • 2 = Description
  • 3 = Affected versions
  • 4 = Version
  • 7 = Issue status
  • 8 = Issue severity
  • 9 = Issue priority
  • 10 = Developer
  • 11 = Reporter
  • 12 = Current owner
  • 13 = Issue type
  • 14 = Estimated time
  • 15 = Remaining time
  • 16 = Actual time
  • 17 = Due date
  • 18 = Component
  • 19 = TicketId
  • 20 = IssueKey
  • 21 = Create date
  • 22 = Modified Date
  • 23 = Completion date
  • 24 = Last replied by
  • 25 = Reporter company
  • 26 = StartDate
  • 30 = Tags
  • 31 = BillingAmount
  • 32 = CostAmount
  • 33 = FixedPrice
  • 34 = FixedTime
  • 35 = InProgressDate
  • 36 = Company
startIndex Specify index for the first issue that should be returned. The first issue has index = 0.
numberOfIssues Number of issues that should be returned. Use 0 if you would like to return all matching issues.

Return Value

(no documentation provided)


Removes a SystemUser as an issue subscriber on an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser


Removes a user from a project

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId A primaryKey for a SystemUser
projectId A primaryKey for a Project


Adds a SystemUser as an issue subscriber on an issue

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
userGroupId A primaryKey for a SystemUser


Change the hashedPassword for the specified user. This will set the raw value of the password directly in the database.

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserId A username
password A raw password that will be set directly in the database


Set the permissions on a document. If a parameter is null then no change is made to this value on the document. For example, to set permission on a document with id = X so that only customers Z and Y will have access you make the following call:

webServiceClient.setPermissionsOnDocument(X, 3, "", "", "|Z|Y|", "");

If you want to add permissions to the above customers and leave all other permission values intact you would make the follwing call:

webServiceClient.setPermissionsOnDocument(X, 3, null, null, "|Z|Y|", null);

Input Parameters

name description
documentId the document to modify the permissions for
permissionType type of permission which can be one of the following values:
  • EVERYONE = 1 (everyone has access)
  • JUST_ME = 2 (restrict access to the user that sets the permission)
  • USERGROUPS = 3 (restrist access to specific users, user groups or customers as specified in the other parameters)
  • ALLBUTSUPPORTUSERS = 4 (all users have access except support users)
permissionValue if permissionType has been set to 3 then this value specifies the user groups that have access to the document. This value should be a pipe separated list of valid user group ids.
For example: |7|5|
permissionForUsers if permissionType has been set to 3 then this value specifies the users that have access to the document. This value should be a pipe separated list of valid user group ids.
For example: |243935|927|
permissionForCustomers if permissionType has been set to 3 then this value specifies the customers that have access to the document. This value should be a pipe separated list of valid user group ids.
For example: |243935|927|
permissionValueReadOnly set permissionValueReadOnly to specify that certain users, user groups or customers should have read-only access to the document. This value should be pipe separated and the id of each type should be prefixed according to the following values:
  • Users = u:
  • UserGroups = ug:
  • Customers = cu:
For example, to set read-only access to customer 1884 and 831, userGroup 7 and user 927 you would set the following value:

Return Value

(no documentation provided)


Creates or saves a config item. If primaryKey <= 0 the config item will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
configItem The ConfigItem to save

Return Value

The saved ConfigItem


Stores a config Item document with content

Input Parameters

name description
document A Document object. If primaryKey is <= 0 a new document will be created
configItemId A primaryKey for a ConfigItem
fileContent The file content

Return Value

A Document object


Creates or saves a contract. If primaryKey <= 0 the config item will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
contract The Contract to save

Return Value

The saved Contract


Stores a contract document with content

Input Parameters

name description
document A Document object. If primaryKey is <= 0 a new document will be created
contractId A primaryKey for a ConfigItem
fileContent The file content

Return Value

A Document object


Creates or saves a Cost. If primaryKey <= 0 the cost will be created. To specify a Cost on a ProjectIssue both projectIssueId and projectId must be specified and > 0. If you want to create a Cost on a Project you don't set the projectIssueId on the object (or set it to 0).

Input Parameters

name description
cost The Cost to save.

Return Value

The saved Cost


Creates or saves a Customer . If primaryKey <= 0 the customer will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
customer The Customer to save

Return Value

The saved Customer object


Saves the Customer Type for a customer

Input Parameters

name description
customerTypeId (no documentation provided)
customerId (no documentation provided)

Return Value

The saved SystemUserSettings object


Creates or saves a ConfigItemGenericCustomField. If primaryKey <= 0 the ConfigItemGenericCustomField object will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
configItemGenericCustomField The ConfigItemGenericCustomField object to save.

Return Value

ConfigItemGenericCustomField. The saved ConfigItemGenericCustomField object.


Creates or saves a ContractGenericCustomField. If primaryKey <= 0 the ContractGenericCustomField object will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
contractGenericCustomField The ContractGenericCustomField object to save.

Return Value

ContractGenericCustomField. The saved ContractGenericCustomField object.


Creates or saves a CustomerGenericCustomField. If primaryKey <= 0 the CustomerGenericCustomField object will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
customerGenericCustomField The CustomerGenericCustomField object to save.

Return Value

CustomerGenericCustomField. The saved CustomerGenericCustomField object.


Creates or saves a ProjectGenericCustomField. If primaryKey <= 0 the ProjectGenericCustomField object will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
projectGenericCustomField The ProjectGenericCustomField object to save.

Return Value

ProjectGenericCustomField. The saved ProjectGenericCustomField object.


Creates or saves a SystemUserGenericCustomField. If primaryKey <= 0 the SystemUserGenericCustomField object will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserGenericCustomField The SystemUserGenericCustomField object to save.

Return Value

SystemUserGenericCustomField. The saved SystemUserGenericCustomField object.


Stores an issue document with content

Input Parameters

name description
document A Document object. If primaryKey is <= 0 a new document will be created
projectIssueId A primaryKey for a ProjectIssue
fileContent The file content

Return Value

The saved Document object


Creates or saves a IssueWorkLog. If primaryKey <= 0 the worklog will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
issueWorkLog The IssueWorkLog to save.

Return Value

The saved IssueWorkLog


Creates or saves a project. If primaryKey <= 0 the project will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
project The Project to save

Return Value

The saved Project


Creates or saves a ProjectBuild. If primaryKey <= 0 the build will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
projectBuild The ProjectBuild to save

Return Value

A ProjectBuild object


Creates or saves a ProjectCategory. If primaryKey <= 0 the category will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
projectCategory The ProjectCategory object to save.

Return Value

The saved ProjectCategory object


Stores a project document with content

Input Parameters

name description
document A Document object. If primaryKey is <= 0 a new document will be created
projectId A primaryKey for a Project
fileContent The file content

Return Value

A Document object


Creates or saves a ProjectIssue. If primaryKey <= 0 the issue will be created. If a new issue should be created it is important to set these attributes at a minimum:

  • name
  • projectId
  • issueStatusId
  • issueTypeId

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssue A ProjectIssue object

Return Value

The saved ProjectIssue


Saves a ProjectIssue without send out any Notifications If a new issue should be created it is important to set these attributes at a minimum:

  • name
  • projectId
  • issueStatusId
  • issueTypeId

Input Parameters

name description
projectIssue A ProjectIssue object

Return Value

The saved ProjectIssue


Creates or saves a ProjectVersion. If primaryKey <= 0 the version will be created.

Input Parameters

name description
projectVersion The ProjectVersion to save

Return Value

The saved ProjectVersion.


Creates or saves a SystemUser. If primaryKey <= 0 the user will be created.
If an user is created with this methods a notification email will be sent to the newly created user. Use the method createSystemUser(systemUser, false) if you wouldn't like the user to receive an email.

Input Parameters

name description
systemUser The SystemUser to save

Return Value

The saved SystemUser object


Saves the SystemUserSettings object

Input Parameters

name description
systemUserSettings (no documentation provided)

Return Value

The saved SystemUserSettings object




Data Types: ns0

Data Types: type