VisionProject Web Service API


The following items are available for download:

Test client

Created 2017-okt-26 15:37:49.

Test client for Java

file size 31.84K

XFire Client Library (Java 1.4 Compatible)

Created 2017-okt-26 16:58:54 for Java (Version 1.4+).


The JDK 1.4 client-side library may be used to access the SOAP API for this application via the Java runtime. This library is compatible with Java, version 1.4 and later and has a dependency on XFire.

The library is divided into service interfaces, service implementations, and service data. The service interfaces exist for convenience in testing and for possible aspect injection. The service implementations and service data are POJOs, making them easy to understand and straightforward to use. (The services can easily be declared in a Spring beans configuration file, for example.)

As an example, suppose there existed a service interface and method for reading a purchase order. Assuming the package "", a typical use of the library would like like this:


//instantiate a new service with an impl // (or through dependency injection, or whatever)... service = new; //make the remote call to read the purchase order... order = service.readPurchaseOrder("123456"); //handle the purchase order as needed...


file size description
VisionProjectWebService-client-1.4.jar 937.30K The binaries for the JDK 1.4 client library.
VisionProjectWebService-client-1.4-src.jar 81.80K The sources for the JDK 1.4 client library.


name version type description
enunciate-xfire-client-tools 1.0 jar Support classes for invoking the client.
xfire 1.2.2 jar The XFire engine.
stax-api 1.0.1 jar The stax APIs.
jaxws-api 2.0 jar The JAX-WS API.
wsdl4j 1.5.2 jar
woodstox 2.9.3 jar Woodstox stax implementation
commons-codec 1.3 jar
commons-logging 1.1 jar
commons-httpclient 3.0 jar
jdom 1.0 jar
mail 1.4 jar
activation 1.1 jar

JAX-WS Client Library (Java 5+)

Created 2017-okt-26 16:58:54 for Java (Version 5+).


The JAX-WS client-side library may be used to access the SOAP API for this application via the Java runtime, using JAX-WS. This is a slim, light, client library with minimal dependency bloat (as of Java 6, JAX-WS ships with the JDK), but it requires Java 5+.

The JAX-WS client-side library is also used to provide the set of Java objects that can be serialized to/from XML using JAXB. This is useful for accessing the REST endpoints that are published by this application.

JAX-WS Example

//instantiate a new service with an impl // (or through dependency injection, or whatever)... service = new; //make the remote call to read the purchase order... order = service.readPurchaseOrder("123456"); //handle the purchase order as needed...

REST Example (Standard JAXB)

//read a purchase order from a REST url url = ...; JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( ) Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller(); order = ( unmarshaller.unmarshal( url ); //handle the purchase order as needed...

REST Example (Jersey client)

com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client client = com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client.create(); order = client.resource("http://path/to/purchase/order") .get(; //handle the purchase order as needed...


file size description
VisionProjectWebService-client.jar 437.14K The binaries for the JAX-WS client library.
VisionProjectWebService-client-src.jar 312.99K The sources for the JAX-WS client library.